◆ Attend their fundraising dinner to raise money for a much-needed, larger center.
By Breanna Call
The Thayne Senior Center is teeming with seniors. And why wouldn’t it be? Melinda Pebbles, the director of the center, is focused on growing a community and welcomes all seniors whether they live in the valley year-round or are just passing through.
“We have different things going on every day,” says Pebbles. “We have exercise classes at least three days a week, sometimes more. Card groups, four times a week; usually we’re playing cribbage. We also do blood pressure clinics a couple times a month, and we have a podiatrist that comes about every 8 to 10 weeks to do a foot clinic for us. And then we just do lots of fun different activities, crafts. We have jewelry classes right now. We’re doing an unbirthday party this month, and next month we’re doing a 50s sock hop. They’re just different things to keep people active and engaged and having fun.”
But the most popular program the center offers is their meals. Monday through Friday at noon, anyone who is over 60 or who has a spouse over 60 can purchase a meal. The suggested donation price for each meal is $5.00. But Pebbles states, “If someone can’t afford that, you just pay what you can afford.” The center values providing hearty, nutritional meals to the seniors in the area. If needed, they will even deliver meals to your home at no additional cost.
The current maximum capacity for the senior center is 80 people. But Pebbles says, “On busy days, we’ll have a line clear through the whole building and out the back door for lunch.” And for activities, the center normally fills with 300 to 500 seniors. In fact, the center serves approximately 1200 different seniors each year.
Evidently, the center has been successful in providing seniors a community. But the problem is “we have outgrown this facility,” says Pebbles. “We are bursting at the seams and have been for many years.”
That’s where we come into play. The center owns land where they hope to build a new senior center—one which will be more practical and comfortable for the growing number of seniors in our communities. To raise funds to construct the building, Thayne Senior Center is holding a prime rib dinner on Tuesday, September 13, at 6:30 p.m. The dinner will be held at the center and will be $50 a plate. Because there is limited space at the center, make sure to call ahead for tickets (307-883-2678). “Anyone that wants to support us and come to the dinner, we are happy to have them,” says Pebbles.
You can also contact the Thayne Senior Center to learn more about volunteer opportunities or get more details about their community transportation, which is open to the public, no matter their age.