(Right) Jed Johnson is sworn in prior to the school board meeting on November 9.
◆ Several policies were also discussed and accepted for new and continued use.
Newly elected members to the Lincoln County School Board were sworn in as part of the regular monthly board meeting on November 9. Jed Johnson, who replaced Lane Allred after his resignation, was sworn in prior to the meeting after being selected by the board on November 2.
Lynn Call from Area 2, David Jenkins from Area 5 and Connie Day in the At Large position, took their oaths of office during the meeting, committing to uphold the laws and guidelines of their offices.
In Other News from LCSD No. 2
• The theme of the month in buildings throughout the district during November is centered on Social Emotional Learning. Staff and students are learning to recognize their emotions and support one another in challenging situations with compassion and kindness. Tools such as Mindfulness, Self-Regulation, Co-Regulation, Growth Mindset, practicing Gratitude and helping students feel confident and safe are all part of work being done in the schools by staff and students alike. Students are encouraged to identify their emotions and govern them.
• Discussion on facilities included the second phase of re-roofing Cokeville High School and window re-glazing. Snow removal contracts are currently being reviewed and renewed. The Major Maintenance list is being reviewed for the summer of 2023. The addition to Osmond Elementary has structural steel up and framing has begun. Roofing is scheduled to begin soon. The addition to Afton Elementary has 80 percent of structural steel completed and framing is beginning.
• The board adopted Policy JFCI, which governs drug testing of students participating in extra-curricular activities. Though this policy was approved on second and final reading in the October meeting, it has been reworded to establish specific guidelines about students and parents being familiar with the policy. Procedures for testing are being updated throughout the year. Though parents who attend preseason meetings are introduced to the policy at those meetings, the board was concerned about families that don’t attend the meetings. They wanted to ensure that the policy is accessible to all parents and students.
• Policy KI was amended and adopted after a revision due to concerns voiced last month. KI addresses School Visitation from parents and the public. Member Lanney Draney shared, “We want it to be an inviting place for parents, but with the climate we are in, we have some guidelines so people who are in the schools, we know who they are. We feel that this revised policy does a good job.” Member Connie Day added, “We want people to feel welcome to come to the school, but at the same time, we don’t want it to be an interruption in the classroom and what’s trying to happen.” Member Darnell Simpson, who voiced concerns about the policy in the October meeting, was content with the new phrasing of the policy. “I think the policy committee and the administration have done a really good job drafting this. I think this depicts and addresses any potential concerns.”
• Policy GBM, which outlines protocols for complaints about staff or school operations, was reviewed and adopted. The procedure determines that the process for expressing complaint begins with teachers, then moves to the principal, and on to the Superintendent as needed. As appropriate, the complaint may need to be presented to the School Board.
• The board adopted Policy FB regarding facilities plan- ning. The protocol was simplified and clarified on this second reading. According to the policy, the board determines what needs to be done in terms of maintenance and construction on buildings.
• Policy ICA on Temporary Virtual Education was adopted on second reading This policy allows for more opportunities and avenues to deliver instruction virtually as needed. Member Simpson asked about a test run. Superintendent Erickson reassured the board, “There will be a virtual day or two built in should we need it.” Students in secondary schools have devices, but K-8 devices remain at school, so this issue would need attention in creating a procedure for handling emergency temporary virtual school days. This brand new policy comes from the state and the district has adopted a version of it that fits the needs of our local families and district staff.