The Wyoming Highway Patrol responded and processed a pair of incidents recently. First on September 16, the WHP responded to the report of a collision between a vehicle and a building as an SUV ran into Pines Bar in Thayne.
According to information provided by the WHP, an elderly woman from Georgia was making her way back home from a trip to Yellowstone National Park when it was determined that she fell asleep at the wheel while heading south through Thayne. Her vehicle crossed over through the parking lot and struck a metal pole on the north corner of the establishment and made contact with the building.
“Apparently this pole was new and it took most of the impact,” stated Trooper Tyler Smith. There were a couple of individuals sitting in that corner and likely would have been hit and caused serious injury.”
The driver and her passenger reported no injuries but the car was totaled. The driver was cited for failure to maintain a single lane of travel.
• Homecoming Cow
Another incident took place on Friday, September 22, as a vehicle struck a cow on U.S. 89 between Afton and Grover.
According to the report from the WHP, a 16-year old driver hit a black cow in the dark after leaving the Homecoming game from Star Valley High School. Airbags were deployed and traffic was blocked in both directions for approximately 30 minutes. No injuries were reported to the driver and his passenger but the truck was totaled and the cow was killed and removed from the roadway by the owning farmer.
• Deer Season
On a related note, Trooper Smith encouraged caution in the coming weeks with the changing of the seasons and hunters in the hills.
“Everybody knows it’s deer season,” he said. There are more animals near the roadway. It’s getting darker sooner. Please be aware and drive carefully.”