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5 Tips to Care for National Parks Across the United States

United States National Parks protect the indigenous animals, plants, and species found across the country’s landscape. Although National Park week begins on April 20th, it’s never too early to start honoring these special landmarks. Check out these tips to care for National Parks to prepare for the big day.


There are 417 National Parks and sites across the country; almost one in every state. Each one has incredible scenery and once in a lifetime experiences. Consider visiting a National Park with your family to show your support for these important historical landmarks.

Leave It Be

National Parks are home to amazing wildlife and stunning landscapes, making them the perfect place to take a trip. However, it’s important to note that when you visit a National Park, it’s crucial that you take care of it. Remember to leave things as nature intended them to be by not disturbing wildlife and picking up after yourself. Show your appreciation for American National Parks by doing your part to keep them clean and unimpaired.

Share Your Experience

While National Parks are a great way to distance yourself from technology, it also does a lot of good to share your experience with others. Sharing your experience on social media encourages others to visit and support National Parks.


Another great tip to care for National parks is to volunteer. Volunteer opportunities not only provide a priceless education, but you can also get hands-on conservation experience. The Artist-In residence, citizen science, and Girl/Boy scout programs are just a few of the hundreds of available volunteer opportunities within National Parks throughout the country.


Besides volunteering and visiting U.S. National Parks, you could also donate. Even though tax dollars do go towards the National Park’s budget, they’re still considered nonprofit organizations, and they benefit greatly from charitable contributions.

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