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Bag of Woad program set to kick off

◆ Youth encouraged to pick Dyers Woad June 22-24.

Provided by the Lincoln Count Weed and Pest

Dyars Woad

Lincoln County Weed and Pest will be sponsoring their annual “Bag of Woad” program this month.
The program is sponsored to increase public awareness of the noxious weed Dyers Woad in this area and also to educate the public on the importance of weed control.

The youth payment program opens Monday June 22 2020 at 9 a.m. and will continue through Wednesday, June 24, 2020 until 3 p.m.

Participants must be 5-16 years of age although older siblings or parents may drive and help. This program is for the youth and the youth will be given the money.

Participants must only use the designated clear bags furnished by the Weed and Pest. Other bags will not be accepted.

The filled bags must be brought to the Weed and Pest, either in Afton or Cokeville to be weighed during the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. only.

The Bag of Woad program is open only Monday through Wednesday, June 22 through June 24.

The final cut off time will be Wednesday June 24 at 3 p.m.

The plants should be pulled up by the root or cut as deep as possible to ensure the plant does not re-sprout. Only plants with a good section of the root attached will qualify.

Plants that have just been cut off above the ground will not be accepted. Bags with a lot of dirt or any rocks will not be accepted.

The dyers woad must be picked in Lincoln County.

The Dyers woad will be weighed and paid $.50 cents per pound.

Lincoln County Weed and Pest encourages area landowners to take advantage of the program and allow youth to remove Dyers woad from their property. Pickers please get landowner permission before entering property.

If you are not sure whether or not the plant you have found is Dyers woad, please bring a sample into the Weed and Pest. We wouldn’t want you to waste your time and effort picking something such as Leafy spurge or Yellow Mustard only to find out that we will not be able to pay for these weeds. This has happened in the past so it is better to be safe than sorry.

When bagging the Dyers woad, it works great if you take a bundle, bend it in half, then bag it. This helps prevent the roots from making holes in the bag.

For more information about the program, call Lincoln County Weed and Pest in Afton at 885-9333 or Cokeville office at 279-9333.

Let us know what you think!