• Wednesday, November 10
Retirement Party for Silver Star’s Ron McCue. 3-6 p.m. at the Thayne Senior Center. Anyone is welcome to stop by and celebrate Ron’s 32 years with Silver Star.
• Thursday, November 11
• Saturday, November 13
Dry Bar Comedy with comedian Steve Solberg at the Afton Ford Theatre. 7 p.m. Tickets at SaltRiverArts.org.
• Monday, November 15
Lund Family Concert at the Afton Ford Theatre. 7 p.m.
• Wednesday, November 17
Collin Raye in concert at the Afton Ford Theatre. 7:30 p.m. Tickets at DiscipleEvents.com.
• Saturday, November 20
Annual Holiday Craft Bazaar. 9-4 at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds. Vendors, booths and crafts. All proceeds benefit local charities.
Survivors of Suicide Loss Day with the Lincoln County Prevention Coalition. 10:30-noon at the Afton Civic Center. Hope, courage and support for those who have survived a suicide attempt or for those who have lost a loved one to suicide.
• Saturday, November 27
Town of Afton Parade of Lights. 5:30 p.m.
Bar T 5 Band at the Afton Ford Theatre. 7 p.m. Tickets at SaltRiverArts.org.
• Monday, November 29
Diane Forsyth, live at the Afton Ford Theatre. 7 p.m. Tickets at SaltRiverArts.org.
Visit https://linclib.org for Story Times at all LC Libraries.
Narcotics Anonymous now has three meetings a week! Mon-Wed-Fri at 8:15 p.m. at the Thayne Community Center Room 100. For more info: www.breakthroughna@gmail.com