◆ Banquet to be held Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 5 p.m.
Dale Cottam, Co-Chair for the Star Valley Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) started as an attendee of the annual event, which eventually led to him taking a major role in the local RMEF chapter. He co-chairs with Jennifer Gunter. Cottam shared how benifitial RMEF is and the benefits it has to area elk and wildlife.
According to RMEF, “The money raised at these events is used to further the mission of ensuring the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat and our hunting heritage.”
Cottam provided a letter sharing a list and details of the goals the Star Valley Chapter and RMEF has, including the protection of land, opening and securing quality public access, habitat stewardship, elk restoration, and ensuring the future of our hunting heritage. It states that “Since 1987, RMEF and its partners have completed 224 conservation and hunting heritage outreach projects with all or a portion of the project within Lincoln, Sublette and/or Teton County with a combined value of more than $73.3 million. These projects have conserved and enhanced 678,658 acres and opened or improved access to 104,226 acres.”
Cottam says, “It’s a very popular and long-standing community fundraising activity and the money goes to elk habitat, elk viewing… It’s not exclusively a hunting-focused organization.”
People can help the organization and the RMEF cause by sponsorship, buying a table or ticket(s) to the event, contribute an item for silent auction. People can also bid on items during live auctions of local artwork and limited edition guns and playing games at the event.
This year features several guns, bows, including a limited edition, made in the USA, Henry Side Gate Lever Action 45-70 Govt with a custom RMEF engraving.
Though they work with a paid RMEF staff member out of Douglas, all local RMEF organizers and volunteers are not paid. They care and know the importance the organization has for our area and those around the nation. “We can always use more volunteers,” says Cottam. Volunteers raise money for the event, venue, catering, to name a few.
Several Wyoming Chapter events have happened this year, with Star Valley being this Saturday and then one in Jackson on May 20.
“We’re a rural location with a smaller population, yet our community has really answered the call and been very generous with their donations and support, so our chapter has been one of the most successful in years past.” Last year, there were over 80 donation sponsors and volunteers.
Cottam says, “It’s a good opportunity to come out, see your friends, be social and, at the same time, help raise money for the preservation of elk habitat and opportunities for elk viewing, hunting, management and everything about our wonderful wildlife.
Learn more about the RMEF, visit rmef.org.