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Food Bank of Wyoming Receives Local Food Purchasing Agreement Grant

Supporting local growers while getting vital, nutritious food to neighbors facing food insecurity — Food Bank of Wyoming is thrilled to announce it’s been awarded the Local Food Purchasing Agreement (LFPA) grant through the USDA and state of Wyoming.

This grant allows the Food Bank to purchase food locally from underserved farmers and producers to distribute to communities across Wyoming that need it most.

For years, Food Bank of Wyoming has focused on a sustainable approach to nourishing Wyoming neighbors facing hunger, with a deep commitment to providing fresh produce and protein-rich foods. This is as crucial for growing children as it is for adults trying to maintain good health. The LFPA grant further amplifies Food Bank of Wyoming’s capacity to support and expand economic opportunities for Wyoming producers.

“One of our biggest goals at Food Bank of Wyoming is to ensure everyone in Wyoming has access to high-quality fruits, vegetables, and protein. This grant supports that goal and further allows us to source food from local growers so we can ensure access to nourishing, energy-sustaining food for all — food that supports our local economy, promotes a nutritious life, and keeps our Wyoming neighbors thriving. It’s a win-win for everyone!” said Food Bank of Wyoming Food Sourcing Manager, Odessa Oldham.

As Wyoming’s short growing season is about to flourish, the grant comes at an opportune time for Food Bank of Wyoming to diligently procure and distribute local and regional produce that is nourishing and unique to Wyoming’s geographic area.

The need for food assistance in Wyoming is profound as many families are facing hunger for the very first time. In 2023, Food Bank of Wyoming distributed enough food to provide the daily equivalent of more than 23,800 meals, which is a 9% increase over the previous year and the highest amount distributed since 2021.

“We are on track to distribute almost 12M pounds of food this fiscal year. Currently, we have increased our food distribution by 28% compared to this time last year, which is in response to the increased need across the state, said Food Bank of Wyoming Executive Director, Rachel Bailey.

Food Bank of Wyoming is a resource for all Wyoming residents facing food insecurity. The LFPA grant will further support the Food Bank’s mission to reduce hunger while ensuring neighbors receive nourishing food they need to thrive.

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