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About 1,200 Wyoming residents to receive student loan forgiveness

CHEYENNE (WNE) — The Biden-Harris administration has approved 804,000 borrowers for $39 billion worth of automatic discharge of federal student loans this summer. Eligible borrowers will not have to take any action to receive this income-driven repayment forgiveness.

In Wyoming, approximately 1,200 borrowers will receive more than $61 million in IDR forgiveness in the coming weeks.

“I have long said that college should be a ticket to the middle class — not a burden that weighs down on families for decades,” said President Joe Biden in a statement released Friday. “Republican lawmakers — who had no problem with the government forgiving millions of dollars of their own business loans — have tried everything they can to stop me from providing relief to hard working Americans.”

An IDR plan sets a borrower’s monthly student loan payment at an amount intended to be affordable based on that borrower’s income and family size. IDR plans also offer forgiveness of any remaining loan balance after borrowers make 240 or 300 monthly payments, which corresponds to 20 or 25 years.

The number of required payments depends on when a borrower first took out the loans, the type of loans they borrowed, and the IDR payment plan in which the borrower is enrolled.


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