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Annual Antique Farm and Tractor Show happens this weekend in Freedom 

• Bring your antiques and your smiles.

The Star Valley Historical Society is hosting their annual Antique Farm and Tractor Show on Saturday, September 23 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the ballpark in Freedom.  Crowds can enjoy antique tractors, farm toys, and other historic gadgets.

“We like old farm equipment and we like restoring old farm equipment, said Kyle Weber, who has organized the event with colleague Ray Lusk, in an interview with SVI News last weekend.   “There’s a lot of people around the valley that have hidden gems, that grew up on farms, that have connections to some of the agricultural history of the valley.  As the valley walks further and further away from its agricultural roots, we thought it would be fun to have an event where people get together and kind of reminisce about some of the historical and agricultural things that they remember.”


Individuals interested in entering their antique equipment in the show can simply take the equipment to the show, and set it up for display at any time during the day.

Equipment from decades past can be viewed at the Antique Farm and Tractor Show taking place at the Freedom ballpark this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

“Last year we had farm toys and old antique toys,” said Weber.  “Kids especially like to see the old tractors and sit on the seats and pretend they’re driving. It’s just a time to come and see what other people have done.  It’s a welcoming thing where everyone can come and feel comfortable. It’s really neat seeing some of the older folks gather around and enjoy talking about stuff. It’s about all the smiles as people talk to their friends and people that they haven’t seen for a while and talk about stories from their childhood.

Weber encourages folks to attend, bring their antique items and their friends and neighbors, and bring their biggest smiles.  Participation and admission are free.

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