Provided by Sky View Lanes –
Ten amazing Star Valley youth bowlers competed recently at Junior National Gold in Indianapolis, Indiana with over 3500 other youth from around the country. Each young person had to qualify for the prestigious tournament which involved many trips around the state of Wyoming during the past winter.
Star Valley Junior Bowlers competed in one of three age categories, Under 12, Under 15 and Under 18.
Fifty collegiate coaches were in attendance, scouting these youth for possible additions to their college teams. According to Star Valley youth coach, Amy Hansen, several coaches approached her regarding some of the Star Valley bowlers. A little known fact is that there is more scholarship money given for bowling than any other high school sport, including football, basketball and wrestling!
Many high schools across the country have bowling as a part of their extra curricular activities and have professionally trained and paid coaches. Hundreds of youth each year earn enough scholarship money to pay their way through college.
Junior League bowlers will bowl on Thursdays after school this coming fall . If anyone is interested in joining our Star Valley Youth Bowling come to our meeting on Aug. 2nd at 6:30 at Skyview Lanes. You could also contact Amy Hansen at 307-413-8177. You do not have to be a great bowler! Come and improve your skills.