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Three Top Tips for Surviving Flu Season
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Three Top Tips for Surviving Flu Season

For some people, winter is a time for festivities and frolicking in the snow. For others, however, winter is plagued with fevers, colds, and the flu. When everyone is hunkered down indoors sharing the same space and air, warding off germs and bacteria can be hard. These tips for surviving flu season will help you steer clear of sickness so that you can make the most of the snowy season.

Stay hydrated

Proper hydration is crucial to staving off the flu, but it’s a factor many people often overlook. Drinking water isn’t just crucial to preventing illness, as it boosts the immune system; it’s also helpful to people currently in the throes of illness. The flu causes individuals to experience vomiting and diarrhea, which can lead to significant dehydration. Sticking to the daily recommended fluid intake level will ensure you’re always properly hydrated throughout the course of flu season. If a cold glass of water sounds unappealing during frigid winter weather, consider hydrating with a cup of warm lemon water instead. Warm lemon water will help you stay hydrated, boost your immune system, and encourage regular bowel movements.

Practice good hygiene

The absolute best tip for surviving flu season is to practice good personal hygiene. The flu is most often transmitted through contact with infected surfaces or other individuals. Washing your hands regularly and keeping hand sanitizer with you at all times will reduce the likelihood of contracting illness through contact. Carrying sanitizing wipes may also be in your best interests. Use these to wipe down any objects or surfaces that may have come in contact with infectious germs and bacteria, such as doorknobs, dining tables, and remote controls. Showering regularly and brushing your teeth will also reduce the likelihood of contracting the flu.

Listen to your body

Cold and flu symptoms don’t look the same for everyone. As such, it’s important to listen to your own body so that you can recognize the warning signs of illness as quickly as possible. At the first sign of symptoms, consult your physician and begin the proper treatments. This will reduce the length of your illness so that you can get back on your feet quicker. Additionally, the sooner you recognize the symptoms and begin treatment, the less likely you are to spread the flu to other people.

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