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The Most Common Misconceptions About Neck Pain
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The Most Common Misconceptions About Neck Pain

If you’re experiencing pain in your neck, there are steps to take to find help, but it’s important to avoid believing common misconceptions. Today, we’ll debunk three myths about this condition so you have more clarity on how to get assistance. Find some peace of mind by reading our collection of the most common misconceptions about neck pain.

Neck Pain Is a Natural Side Effect of Aging

This myth is critical to cover because there is some nuance to discuss here. Neck pain does happen to many people over time due to natural wear and tear on our bodies. However, that doesn’t mean you have to look at neck pain as a natural occurrence when you turn 50, 60, or beyond. Neck pain can happen as you age, but you can also prevent it by working with a healthcare professional.

For example, there are a few critical details to consider about PRP injections for pain relief, but it can be an effective treatment for you to explore with an expert. You can even talk with a doctor about an ideal exercise routine in accordance with your job and other daily habits.

Work Isn’t the Cause of My Neck Pain

Discussions about neck pain in the workplace often focus on desk jobs, and how employees sit while working at computers. This means that employees in other jobs may assume that neck pain isn’t the result of their work. However, one of the most common misconceptions about neck pain is that you can only get it from leaning over a computer all day. On the other hand, someone working at a computer may assume that their job isn’t a problem because it doesn’t require substantial manual labor. Suffice it to say that it’s easy to think that work isn’t the issue.

Consider workplace habits such as your posture, how long you spend walking versus sitting, and how much heavy lifting you do. This is another situation where talking with an expert will help you find the actual problem. If you have neck pain and learn that your workplace habits are the likely culprit, talk to a doctor about physical therapy and other solutions you can use to stay safe.

The Solution to Neck Pain Is Lying Down & Resting

A day or two of rest may help with acute neck pain, especially when you experience a sudden injury. For example, did you fall asleep in an odd position? You may wake up with neck pain, but sometimes stretching and resting your neck can relieve your symptoms. The keyword here is “sometimes.”

If your neck pain persists several days later or disappears briefly and then returns, don’t assume that more rest is the answer. Maintaining a healthy exercise routine is valuable, but chronic neck pain, which is more severe and long-lasting than acute injuries, may require the help of a physical therapist. Even if you already have a regular workout routine, don’t ignore signs that you may have chronic pain.

Now that you know more about neck pain myths, contact an expert to discuss your symptoms and the right solution.

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