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Alpine Wyoming

Art Auction raises funds for the 2024-25 season

  • Nearly $29,000 in proceeds benefit SV Arts Council The Star Valley Arts Council held their First Annual Art Auction Fundraiser in the Alpine Airpark last Saturday evening.  Art sales, raffle tickets and admission fees earned the Arts Council…

Alpine Fire responds to truck versus boat accident

The Alpine Fire Department (AFD), along with the Idaho State Police and the Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office responded to the report of an accident involving a truck and another vehicle towing a boat on Monday morning.  Initial reports indicated that…

Alpine plane crash sheds light on turbulence over fly-in subdivision

  • Residents say the air traffic is noisy, uncontrolled and obscene in its opulence.   By Jeannette Boner Jackson Hole News&Guide Via- Wyoming News Exchange JACKSON — At the height of Independence Day, Palisades Reservoir hummed with boats and…

New auto club lines out events for the summer

• Aug. 17, Hot August Nights. A group of community members has created the Star Valley Auto Club to have the ability to put on shows and gather support for charities and other causes. This is different than a car…

SVI Radio Interview: Casey Rammell, Extend Stay Motel in Alpine

SVI Radio Interview: Carolyn Sharette, American Preparatory Academy

Travelers dealing with jam-packed Snake River Canyon

With the collapse of the roadway on Wyoming Highway 22 over the weekend, commuters from Driggs, Idaho and other communities who relied on the route to make their way to Jackson, Wyoming for work are now left with no other…

Alpine mulling future school options

• Charter school filing deadline is this summer. The Town of Alpine has been one of the fastest growing communities in Wyoming over the past 30 years. From an estimated population of 200 in 1990, the 2020 census has the…

Miss Wyoming Adelaide Roberts hosts Alpine event

  • Fundraiser held with 307 Dance Productions for Libertas International. Miss Wyoming Adelaide Roberts of Star Valley teamed up with 307 Dance Productions Friday night in Alpine to host a  fund raising event for Libertas International. Libertas International assists…

Alpine Fire Department blocks fire from spreading

• Arrangements made for lodging. An Alpine family was displaced Friday afternoon, April 12, when fire destroyed a bedroom in their home. No one was injured but a family dog  died in the fire. Lincoln County Communications dispatched the Alpine…