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Bridger-Teton National Forest

Small forest fire burning southwest of Bondurant

The Bridger-Teton National Forest is fighting a new fire on the Big Piney Ranger District. The Horse Creek Fire was reported at 12:39 pm on Monday July 1, 2024 by Forest Service Fire crews who spotted smoke from the Fish…

Fire Danger Increased to Moderate

Teton Interagency fire managers announced the fire danger has been elevated to “moderate” for Grand Teton National Park, Bridger-Teton National Forest, and the National Elk Refuge. The potential for fire activity has increased due to summer curing of vegetation combined…

Hiking, biking causes elk, bears to flee

  By Billy Arnold Jackson Hole News&Guide Via- Wyoming News Exchange JACKSON — A few years ago, when Mark Ditmer found himself on a game trail in the Bridger-Teton National Forest, holding electronic equipment over his head, the first thing…

Bridger-Teton builds pollinator gardens in Afton

•Lawn to be replaced at Afton Greys River Office, Thursday, June 20. By SVI/B-T The Bridger-Teton National Forest, in celebration of  National Pollinator Week June 17-23, 2024, will install two pollinator gardens. The public is invited to join us and…

Rock slide threatens spring; Bridger-Teton/Town of Afton monitoring

  • Afton making plans to remove material. A large rock and scattered debris has collapsed into the mouth of the Periodic Spring causing pressure on the flow of the spring and threatening an underground pipeline that serves as Afton’s…

Forest plans to implement prescribed fire within Hams Fork Vegetation Project area

The Kemmerer Ranger District of the Bridger-Teton National Forest is planning multiple prescribed burns throughout the spring and early summer. The following prescribed burns could begin in early June and be implemented at any time until mid-July. Smoke impacts should…

Forest Service provides additional details on Intermittent Spring rock slide

The Bridger-Teton National Forest has released additional details regarding a rock slide that occurred near the mouth of the intermittent spring in Swift Creek Canyon east of Afton. The Forest Service has implemented “an emergency closure for the Periodic Spring…

Forest plans to implement next phase of Monument Ridge Vegetation and Recreation Management Project

The Big Piney Ranger District of the Bridger-Teton National Forest plans to initiate the next phase of the Monument Ridge Vegetation and Recreation Management Project during the month of June. The project area is located near the town of Bondurant…

Bridger-Teton National Forest announces decisions for Porcupine Creek Vegetation Treatment Project and Kemmerer Ranger District Roadside Treatments

A decision notice with a finding of no significant effect has been signed for the Porcupine Creek Vegetation Treatment Project and Kemmerer Ranger District Roadside Treatments on the Kemmerer Ranger District of the Bridger-Teton National Forest. Both decisions are intended…