◆ Horsley is pleased to welcome these highly qualified individuals to the SVHS team.

Star Valley FFA, Agriculture Science and Welding students at Star Valley High School will welcome a new team of teachers to the program upon return to school in August. Megan Cook, Victor Hardesty and Shawn Merritt are replacing Dallas Warren.
Cook has been hired to teach Agriculture and serve as the new FFA Advisor. Hardesty will be teaching Ag Welding and contribute adult leadership to the FFA chapter. Shawn Merritt will teach Advanced Welding and Fabrication, as well as assist with the FFA as needed.
Cook most recently served as Utah’s State FFA Association Advisor and has a wealth of agriculture experience and education to share with the Star Valley FFA.

“I am so excited to be joining the Star Valley FFA family,” Cook told SVI. “Star Valley has such a rich agricultural heritage and I look forward to continuing to build bridges between our FFA chapter and the community. I love the hands-on opportunities that an agricultural education program can provide and know it can be a tool for our students to find real world success. I hope to build on the shoulders of those who have gone before me in helping our students reach their potential in achieving premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.”
Hardesty served the Star Valley FFA chapter as a student teacher under Dallas Warren and carries a Master’s degree in Agricultural Business in addition to his teaching certificate and vast knowledge of the agriculture and welding industry.
“I am excited to have the opportunity to work with these kids again,” Hardesty said. “It’s been fun the last few years working with them – to actually have the chance to make a difference with them and grow the program. We are going to have big things happening with them and more student involvement. It’s going to be a bigger and better program.”

Merritt comes from a rigorous welding background, which includes welding for the military, and brings extensive welding knowledge to the table.
“I’m excited for the opportunity to be the welding teacher and part of the team at Star Valley High School,” said Merritt. “I am excited to be able to help in the developing of the Welding Pathways program for the students that want to graduate with a welding certification in structural SMAG, MIG and TIG welding. I will be working side by side with the Ag program with two other awesome teachers and hope to be able to assist them with anything I can to help prepare students to be more ready to conquer their world when leaving high school.”
SVHS Principal Jason Horsley is pleased to welcome these highly qualified individuals to the program. “These changes will increase our Agriculture offerings as well as provide a Welding Certification Pathway. We are excited to expand the agriculture program Mr. Warren has worked so hard to build during his tenure at SVHS. Megan’s rich background in Agriculture Education and FFA will provide a seamless transition for Star Valley High School students.”