Education Spotlight: Rachel Taylor – Rewarding moments make tough days worth the effort

◆ Rachel Taylor has given 13 years teaching math in LCSD No. 2.
With 14 years of teaching experience and 13 of those years spent in LCSD No. 2, Rachel Taylor currently serves as an 8th Grade math teacher at Star Valley Middle School. In those 14 years, Taylor has taught 7th, 8th and 9th grade math at Spanish Fork Junior High in Spanish Fork, Utah as well as SVHS and SVMS.
“I chose to be an educator primarily because I enjoy working with kids,” said Taylor. “I love when students find success – when the ‘light comes on’ and something clicks for them. It’s rewarding to see students find success and feel like I may have helped them. LCSD2 has amazing students, teachers and administrators. I enjoy the kids I teach and have great friendships with many of my coworkers.”
Taylor chose LCSD2 for the natural beauty of the area and the quality of education offered by the school district. She feels it is a great place to teach and a great place to raise a family.
“As a teacher, you don’t often know when you’ve made a difference for a student,” said Taylor. “Most kids aren’t open enough to tell a teacher that they’ve had a positive influence. Usually the students don’t even recognize it themselves in the moment! But there are students who come back years later or send a graduation announcement with a kind note. When I receive an email or phone call from a parent thanking me for the positive influence. I’ve had on their child – those are the rewarding moments that make the tough days worth it!”
A mother of 3 children who are heavily involved in school and extra-curricular activities, Taylor also stays busy on the home front. She also enjoys cooking and hopes to formally study Culinary Arts someday.
For the time being, Taylor plans to continue working with kids, with emphasis on finding new ways to reach struggling students.
“More and more of our students come with struggles and problems from outside of school that greatly affect their academic success,” said Taylor. “I strive every day to reach these students and help them see the value and importance of their education and how it has lifelong consequences.”
“I would love to see us get back to the basics – students learning and teachers teaching, without all the politics and red tape that we so often have to work around,” said Taylor. “Our District and State have been well supported with funding and other resources. This Legislative support of education is crucial for us to be able to continue having success in our classrooms!”