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Facebook Auction launched to finish Box H Park Playground fundraiser

The Box H Park Board of Directors have launched a Facebook auction in hopes of raising the final funds needed to purchase a new playground at the historic park in Fairview.  The auction features local goods and services that have been donated. Members of the auction bid on items with all proceeds going towards the fundraiser. Businesses and community members are still able to add donations to auction of simply by posting a picture and description in the auction group.

After numerous fundraiser events over the past two years, the park remains $19 thousand short of reaching their fundraising goals. They hope to reach that final goal with the help of the auction combined with grants and additional community support. The park’s Board of Directors unveiled an artist rendering of the playground during the annual Pioneer Day Celebration held in July. They are pushing to purchase the playground before the end of the year because the cost is expected to rise next year.

The Facebook auction will end at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 23. At that time all winning bidders will be able to pay for items via Venmo, cash or check. After payment is received the winner will be able to claim the item or service.

You can find the auction by logging into Facebook and searching for “Play it forward FUNdraiser” or by clicking here.

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