• Awarded through the Wyoming Arts Council.
Local Star Valley artist Judy Gonet has been awarded The Creative Aging Grant from the Wyoming Arts Council. With this grant funding, Gonet is providing three art classes to Star Valley Seniors age 55 and older.
“The Wyoming Arts Council grant that I received is as an individual teaching artist, for three, eight-week classes for anybody 55 on up,” said Gonet in an email to SVI Media. “I am offering the classes to Star Valley Seniors who are able to attend in person.”

The first class, “Watercolor Painting from Photos,” began Monday, October 28. Gonet’s classes take pace in Room 100B of the Thayne Community Center from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration for this class has closed with 12 students enrolled. On the final day of this class, December 16, 2024, students will showcase their artwork at the Thayne Senior Center.
Gonet is collaborating with the Lincoln County Library and Thayne Branch Library, to offer two more classes through the winter and spring of 2025.
“I believe that [The Wyoming Arts Council is] really gearing this towards getting aged people out to socialize and do something creative,” Gonet added.
The Creative Aging winter season class is scheduled to begin January 27, 2025. The Spring class is scheduled to begin March 31, 2025. Interested Seniors should watch for communication from the Lincoln County Library System at each of the library locations. This Fall’s class filled quickly, and folks requested to be on the wait list.
Gonet has offered these types of classes before. “I have taught three eight-week Creative Aging, Lifetime Arts classes in Thayne, for the Lincoln County Library. We are zooming this grant class to LaBarge, Kemmerer, Cokeville, Afton, Alpine, and filming in Thayne. “Watercolor Wildflowers” finished October 23, and we had 36 people signed up, with ten people in the filming class in Thayne.”
“Everybody loves this program,” Gonet said. “We have fun, meet new people, and learn new skills.”
This program is made possible by a grant provided by the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies in partnership with E.A. Michelson Philanthropy, through the Wyoming Arts Council, with support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Wyoming Legislature