◆ Eleven-year-old Alpine girl is battling cancer.
The Make-a-Wish program came to Star Valley to honor Izibelle (Izzy) Sevigny with a trip to Disney World during December. The 11-year-old from Alpine is battling cancer.
“It’s a pretty huge thing and something we wouldn’t do without Make-A-Wish,” grandfather Isidore Sevigny said in an interview with SVI Media. The entire family will be making the trip with Izibelle.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation helps children dealing with critical illness, ages 2 1/2 to 18, by helping them fulfill their wishes.
Make-A-Wish representatives Vicki Buckley, Joyce Ames, RN and Lance Windey made the presentation to the Sevegny family at a luncheon meeting Dec. 4, at Tootsies in Thayne.
“We are celebrating a wish by Izibelle Sevigny,” Buckley explained. “They want to go to Disney World.”
She continued, “We do this for smiles. We tell them they are getting their wish and the smiles bring tears to my eyes. They can get away and can be a family for a week.”
Windey spoke of the effect that comes from Make-A-Wish gifts. “Anytime you can bring hope and excitement and joy to somebody’s life who has been affected — you can sign me up all day long, sign us up all day long ,” he said.
Izibelle goes through weekly chemo treatments, with Dec. 2, proving to be a more difficult day recently. “On Thursday she had triple chemo, which was reall tough on her,” Grandfather Isadore said.
Izibelle and her siblings will make the trip with her grandparents who are raising the family following their mother’s early death.
“They needed a good home,” Isidore said of the grandparents fulfilling the role as parents for the young children.
He concluded with a smile, “That’s something we could do, is give them a good home. It’s been a pretty good thing.”