Kemmerer family receives 2024 Access Recognition Program award from G&F

Landowners from Kemmerer have been recognized as recipients of the 2024 Access Recognition Program. Dave and Shannon Julian were recently honored and presented their award at the Wyoming Stock Growers Association awards luncheon in Casper. Each year, the Wyoming Board of Agriculture and the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission partner to recognize landowners who significantly contribute to the Cowboy State’s hunting and fishing tradition.
“The Julian family of Kemmerer has shown unwavering dedication to wildlife conservation and pubic access,” the Wyoming Game & Fish said in a released statement. “Since 2006, it enrolled 8,500 acres in the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s Access Yes program, providing hunting opportunities for pronghorn, deer, elk, sage-grouse and small game. The family’s commitment has enhanced hunting on private and nearby public lands. Despite Truman Julian’s passing the family continues to honor his vision as outstanding stewards o Wyoming’s natural resources and access opportunities.”
The Access Recognition Program is meant o show appreciation for landowners who permit sportsmen and women to hunt on their property, according to Game & Fish Director Angi Bruce. “A huge thank you to these landowners who truly make a difference for wildlife, hunting and fishing in Wyoming. Because of their commitment, there are more opportunities for individuals and families,” Bruce said.
Access Yes is a program that facilitates partnerships between private landowners, Game and Fish, hunters and anglers to create free public hunting and fishing access on private land and inaccessible public and state lands. These include walk-in fishing and hunting areas and hunter management areas. The program is supported through donations from the public and organizations.
According to the most recent report, Access Yes opened access to more than 2.56 million acres of land for hunting, nearly 4,000 lake acres, and 93 stream miles for angling on otherwise inaccessible private, state, and landlocked public lands.
Other recipients of the award from around the state include Hoodoo Land Holdings near Cody, Blair and Tami Bishop in Campbell County and Condict Ranch LLV near Saratoga.