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“Kindness Boxes” to be used throughout Star Valley

• Horse Warriors™ program runs through February, 2025

Sometimes simple ideas are the best ways to bring light to others. Kindness Boxes, which are a part of the Horse Warriors™ Kindness Project, will be used to share kind words from person to person throughout Star Valley.

Over 50 wooden boxes have already been painted by Horse Warriors™ students, staff and volunteers.  Each box is designed to encourage people to both give and receive kind words.

The program works on a simple yet heartwarming concept: “Make-One-Take-One.” Anyone can take a slip of paper containing a message of kindness from a box and, in exchange, leave an original message for someone else to discover.

Priscilla Marden shares that the messages made by small children have been a highlight for her in the past. “Right now the world is not very certain. Something we can all do is increase our appreciation of everybody who’s here.” A few kind words can brighten someone’s entire day.

Community members are invited to “adopt” a Kindness Box, choosing a location to place it and ensuring it stays stocked with blank slips of paper. Great locations for the boxes include libraries, schools, churches, businesses, senior centers, or other community spaces where people gather. Adopters can either create their own box in the Horse Warriors™ painting studio or choose one of the already-decorated boxes. At the end of the program, box artists may keep their box as a meaningful keepsake.

To get involved, adopt or paint a Kindness Box, or request one for your location or business, contact Horse Warriors™ at 307-690-6124 or email

Kindness doesn’t cost a thing, but it can make a world of difference.

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