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LCSD2 did not receive hoax bomb threat received by other Wyoming districts

Lincoln County School District No. 2 said they did not receive the same hoax bomb threat on Wednesday that several other districts around the state received. In a released statement, the district said they are “aware of bomb threats affecting Wyoming and Idaho school districts. As of now, we have not received any threats. Coordination with law enforcement and the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation indicates no credible evidence.”

The statement went on to read that the district is collaborating with their School Resource Officer, implementing heightened security, and monitoring the situation closely.

“While these threats are not deemed credible at this time, we remain vigilant to ensure student safety,” the statement concluded.

The threat was delivered via email to several schools around the region claiming that a bomb had been planted in the school. The emails appear to be originating from the same address. Law enforcement agencies have determined that the threats are not credible. Similar threats were made in other states earlier in the week.

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