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Livestock shows highlight week leading up to Buyers Breakfast and Stock Auction

• Stock auction and sale is Saturday, August 10.

Janet Erickson, SVI Media

FFA and 4-H youth large livestock shows are happening this week as part of the Lincoln County Fair. Animals arrived at the fairgrounds on Tuesday for weigh-ins and shows will take place throughout the week. The week will culminate with the Buyers Breakfast and Auction on Saturday, August 10 beginning at 8 am.

“Saturday morning, there will be a check-in table where the public can register as buyers and get a buyer number,” said Shar Perry, 4-H Youth Director with the UW Extension Office. “If people don’t want to buy an animal, but want to support the kids, they can sign up to boost the kids’ income with any amount for certain youth participants.”

Lincoln County Commissioners support the breakfast and do the cooking. The breakfast will take place in the small tent, and then buyers will move to the large tent where the auction will begin at 10 am and

2018 Lincoln County Fair Livestock Sale (SVI Photo)

proceed throughout the day. The livestock sale committee provides a lunch to all buyers in attendance.
“Auction Day is a day of mixed emotions,” said Perry. “These kids become attached to their animals. They care for them all summer. The have feelings for them and it’s a bitter-sweet end. There are some kids who have tears in their eyes, but they knew what the end product was when they started, and so it ends well for them.”

Youth who are entering beef in the livestock shows begin their projects in October and care for their animal all the way through August. Sheep, Swine and Goat participants start in June. “It’s teaching the youth responsibility and how to care for their animals – that animal is dependent on them to do their job,” said Perry. “They go through the summer preparing those animals for fair. When they get to fair, they get to show them and sell them. Most of the kids save that money for college and different things like that in their future.”

“It’s exciting, but at the same time it’s hard to sell them,” said Miah Titensor, selling two Swine. “On the sale day, I feel like it all pays off and I am finally getting something for all my hard work. The week is exhausting.”

Kimberly Choma, who is entering one Steer and two Swine, said, “It’s so rewarding. The support that we receive and everyone that shows up to support us is awesome. It’s always really good to meet new friends and to earn money for college. Last year, my steer sold for around $6,000.”

“I would like to invite everybody to come out and see what the kids have done,” said Perry. “They have worked hard all summer and put a lot of effort into all their projects.” All projects can be seen in the livestock barns and in the 4-H and FFA general buildings.

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