◆ An auction helps raise funds for the Lincoln County 4-H program.The Mountain States Stockdog
Association returned this week, but with an expanded venue, bringing in more teams and officials to compete and judge in a series of arenas at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds in Afton. Teams and judges have come from Idaho, Utah, Washington, Kentucky, Texas, Florida and Alabama.
The public is invited to attend any of stock dog events involving both cattle and sheep at the fairgrounds for no charge. Events start at 8:30 a.m. each day and continue through Saturday, July 17. There is no charge.
SVI Media is also broadcasting the events live on svinews.com.
Stock Dog Association President Steve Wight and his management team are overseeing 200 handlers, many with multiple dogs.
Events include a handler and dog working a group of sheep or cattle into a designated pin. The handlers direct their dogs with verbal commands or whistles. Judges review the process and the time needed to accomplish each task.
As part of the visit to Lincoln County, the stock dog association allows the Lincoln County 4-H program to sell food and refreshments, in addition to holding an auction for the visiting handlers. “We do the auction and they buy the items and that money, 100 percent, is given to your local 4-H,” Wight reported.
A schedule for the final events, can be found at https://mountainstatessockdog.com/finals/2021-finals/.