• Children are invited to SVHS to read with NHS members
Star Valley High School’s National Honor Society is hosting its second annual Reading Day. Elementary students are invited to visit the high school on Friday, January 17 between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Parents can drop their child off at the front doors to the school or they can accompany their child to the activity. NHS members will read with their guests and children will have the option to take a book home.
“I am so excited to support the community in this way,” said NHS member Cassidi Osmond. “I think this is a great way to have fun and help spark the imagination of kids while giving the parents a well-deserved break.”
All elementary students are invited to the Reading Day, but kindergarten through third grade students are particularly encouraged to attend. “Last year, we had about 30 youngsters attend, but we are hoping that we can get more to come this year and read a few books with some of our best and brightest high school students,” said SVHS NHS Advisor Sharolyn Stauffer in an email to SVI Media. “NHS students will prepare for the event with a little tutorial on reading to children and bring some of their own favorite books from their childhoods to read.”
Parents can drop their children at SVHS for one hour only that morning. Guests will enjoy milk and cookies as a little break between “reading some books and talking about them in small groups. It will be a fun way for these kids to interact with each other.”
NHS students will be stationed at the front doors of the school to greet their guests and escort them to the reading area. Children will have a constant escort throughout the event. “Parents are also welcome to come and sit in our reading circles or read their own book in the commons area while we read with students,” said Stauffer.
“It is really exciting for the kids to get to spend time with the high schoolers,” said NHS member Michelle Stucki. In addition, many books have been gathered and donated by the NHS students to send home with children who would like to add one to their home library.
“I’m super excited to help out,” said NHS member Hailee Myers. “I think it’s a great way to serve the community because parents get a break and kids get to read books for an hour, so it’s a win-win situation.”