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Operation Dry Water

Through this holiday weekend and summer the Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office is participating in a nationwide effort known as “Operation Dry Water” in watching for and enforcing violations of boating under the influence on our waters.

Alcohol use is the leading factor in recreational boating accidents, most of which could have been prevented or avoided had it not been for the impaired operator.  The environment of being on the water and dealing with stressors such as wind, noise, and movement over the water can intensify the effects of alcohol or drug use on an individual while boating.

While being part of Operation Dry Water we hope to bring awareness of the importance of safe and sober boating as well as making sure your watercraft has the appropriate safety gear and life jackets.  The Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office can’t stress enough the importance of life jacket use and making yourself ready for potential emergencies.  If you employ safe practices on the water and are prepared for emergencies then you will have less risk of an incident ruining your holiday water recreation plans.

For more information on Operation Dry Water visit <>  or search and follow them on facebook.  You can also find more at <> , a website from the Idaho State Parks and Recreation that has all the requirements one would need for boating in Idaho, safety training and events, information on evasive species, and water conditions.

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