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Silver Star Communications donates to Gifts of Grace organization

The Gifts of Grace organization, a nonprofit business fighting against human trafficking, announced it received a donation from Silver Star Communications.

It did not release the amount, but founder of the organization, Tyler Schwab, says he wanted to let people know what that money will be used for since the business is supported by the people of the community.

“Part of that donation will be used to raise awareness,” Schwab said. “A number you can call, a sign to look out for, and an awareness campaign.”

So if there is a case where you hear or know of a situation where a child was a victim of sexual exploitation, you have access to the resources to get help for those kids.

Schwab says the donation will have an international effect as well. He says recently they learned there is a situation in South America where a pedophile is posing as an Evangelical missionary and doing so to get “access to vulnerable street kids.”

“So we’re working with the government to get those kids out,” Schwab said. “Part of that donation by Silver Star will be used for the after care of those kids. When they are eventually pulled out of that situation of exploitation… that they have resources they can gain access to, resources to return home, resources to go back to school, resources to find safe housing.”

He appreciates all the donations and help he receives from the Star Valley community and says it is a big help to what his organization does. Right now if anyone wants to donate, he says maybe you are shopping online more now that we are quarantined. One great way to donate is on Amazon Smile.

You can also donate by visiting their website here. Schwab reminds everyone this is an issue everywhere. He says he has met a lot of bad people and the worst trafficker he felt he ever met was based in Salt Lake City, Utah.

“A lot of his victims came from southeast Idaho, the Idaho Falls, the Rigby area,” Schwab said. “And that’s not far from home. As more awareness comes up on the issue, we’ll actually see cases fairly close to home and even at home itself.”

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