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Strike-down of affirmative action will not impact admissions at UW or CSU

CHEYENNE (WNE) — The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to strike down affirmative action in college admissions on Thursday will not impact the admissions processes at either the University of Wyoming or nearby Colorado State University.

Though the court declared race can no longer be a factor in admission, neither university anticipates changes in their own admissions.

“The university does not see any direct impact from this,” UW associate vice president of institutional communications Chad Baldwin said.

The University of Wyoming does not have any race-based admission policies and therefore will not be impacted, Baldwin said.

CSU President Amy Parsons, a Cheyenne native, emailed students after the decision to inform them of the impact it would have on campus. “This constitutional ban on race-conscious admissions will impact admissions practices at many institutions,” Parsons said in the email. “Here at CSU, the court’s decision will not affect the undergraduate admissions process we have had in place for decades.”

Parsons also included that this past year’s incoming freshman class was historically the largest, with more than 5,700 students.

Of these students, 28% were from diverse backgrounds, 25% were first-generation students and 60% were Colorado residents, with several hundred students coming from rural communities.

“To prospective students and families who fear this ruling will change their access to a CSU education, nothing could be further from the truth,” Parsons said in the email. “An undergraduate education at CSU remains available to all qualified students with the talent and determination to attend a top-tier research university.”

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