Rod Jensen, Bank of Star Valley President/CEO delivers economic chamber report
• Star Valley challenged by high home costs. “It’s great to watch Star Valley,” said Rod Jensen, Bank of Star Valley Founder, President and CEO, in his opening comments with SVI Media shortly after offering comments at the January…
SVI Radio Interview-Nov. 22: Brook Merritt, BOSV Feed the Angles and Adopt an Angel
Holiday Toy and Book Drive to support BOSV Angel Tree Program
• Donations need to be made early. The Star Valley Branch Library, located in Afton, is teaming up with the Bank of Star Valley (BOSV) to bring in books and toys for the BOSV Angel Tree Program. The ages for…
John Lee wins LCSD2 Education bike raffle
Congratulations to John Lee, who is the lucky winner of a brand new Beta Motorcycle courtesy of the LCSD2 Education Foundation. Lee’s name was pulled out of a raffle drawing during the Jackson @ Star Valley basketball games on Friday,…
A Giveaway to Fund Our Students’ Future
◆ Buy raffle tickets for a chance to win a 2023 Beta bike. Breanna Call, SVI Media The LCSD No.2 Education Foundation is partnering with SVI Media, Rocky Mountain Yeti, and the Bank of Star Valley to give away a…
BOSV’s annual Feed the Angels accepting donations until December 15
The Bank of Star Valley is putting on its annual Feed the Angels event until December 15 which gives the community an opportunity to donate food or money. Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the bank, Brook Merritt,…
Housing is a challenge in latest bank report
◆ ‘We’ll solve this, Star Valley has a bright future…we solve problems.’ Bank of SV CEO Rod Jensen. The Bank of Star Valley has released it’s annual report and one area the valley will need to focus on is the…
Bank of Star Valley blocks fraud attempts on debit cards
Debit card fraud was attempted on some the Bank of Star Valley customer accounts Sunday, January 10, 2021. BOSV security systems identified the fraudulent activity before any funds were removed from customer checking accounts and blocked all transactions on those…
Jensen appointed to Wyoming business and financial task force
◆ Bank of SV CEO will serve with Wyoming State Auditor. Bank of Star Valley President and CEO Rod Jensen has joined Wyoming State Auditor Kristi Racines on a Governor assigned task force that will focus on the state’s business…
Shoppers for Angels still needed
◆ Angel tags available for pick up at Bank of Star Valley. The Bank of Star Valley is once again hosting the Angel Tree program. And, a few angels still need to be adopted for the holiday season. For those…