Independent Notes: Remembering U.S. Senator Al Simpson.
As a young 20-something editor of the Star Valley Independent, I was impressed that a U.S. Senator would give me time for an interview. Al Simpson did. He came through town and stopped by the newspaper office, now the optometrist…
SVI Radio Interview: Ron McKim, retired Municipal Judge
Independent Notes: It’s an honor to vote!
The radio broadcasting dress code is simple. Blue jeans, an old, un-ironed shirt, a hoodie and a ball cap. I love dressing for radio. Generally old shoes too because I may walk my dog Cheyenne in one of the…
SVI Radio Interview: Thomas McMurtry, Lincoln County Transportation Plan
Independent Notes: Dropping a blade and cutting back willows could improve a strained working relationship.
I thought Wyoming was having all the fun with the federal government and the associated federal agencies. Wyoming’s challenges are generally related to our valuable energy resources, something that “picks up the tab” for schools, roads, local governments and…
SVI Radio Interview: Berkely Young, Lincoln County Tourism
SVI Radio Interview: Bob Hammond – Teton Pass Update
SVI Radio Interview: Ed Dickens, Union Pacific Railroad’s Big Boy stop in Kemmerer
SVI Radio Interview: Councilman Joe Heward – Heart of Thayne
SVI Radio Interview: Casey Rammell, Extend Stay Motel in Alpine