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University of Wyoming

New grand funds will help WWCC start new program offerings

Western Wyoming Community College has been awarded over $2.6 million dollars through round 2 of the Wyoming Innovation Partnership (WIP) grant.  According to a press release from the Governor’s office, Governor Gordon launched WIP in 2021 to modernize and focus Wyoming’s…

SV Attorney Mitchell Schwab appointed to new Charter board

◆ State Supt. calls on Schwab because of his experience in other states. State Superintendent Megan Degenfelder has appointed three individuals to the new Charter School Authorizing Board. Passed by the legislature during the 2023 session, Wyoming Statute 21-3-302 took…

Inaugural sheep festival a success

By Rana Jones Kemmerer Gazette Via- Wyoming News Exchange KEMMERER – One of the aims of the inaugural Wyoming Sheep & Wool Festival, held in Kemmerer Friday, June 30, and Saturday, July 1, was to inform the public about the…

Study: Fed, state sage-grouse practice doesn’t work

By Sarah Elmquist-Squires Lander Journal Via- Wyoming News Exchange LANDER — For decades, federal and state land managers have used a method of mowing and applying herbicide to Wyoming big sagebrush as a way to improve habitat for greater sage-grouse….

Strike-down of affirmative action will not impact admissions at UW or CSU

CHEYENNE (WNE) — The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to strike down affirmative action in college admissions on Thursday will not impact the admissions processes at either the University of Wyoming or nearby Colorado State University. Though the court declared race…

Wednesday is final day of “Dyer’s Woad Week”

Provided by the Wyoming Weed & Pest Council For nearly 20 years, the Lincoln County Weed and Pest District has held the annual “Dyer’s Woad Week,” when children 18 years and younger can pick Dyer’s Woad plants and trade it…

UW President tours Lincoln County

*Photo Above: University of Wyoming officials tour the Rocky Mtn. Power Plant in Kemmerer. Pres. Ed Seidel was part of the group touring the plant, coal mine and proposed nuclear site. The trip also included a stop at the Soda…

Church elder files suit over table ban on UW campus

Federal complaint alleges free speech and due process violations By Sofia Saric and Aedan Hannon Casper Star-Tribune Via Wyoming News Exchange   CASPER —- A Laramie church elder who had his University of Wyoming tabling privileges revoked after he targeted…

University will take over carbon capture test site

• Move comes after two projects break ground near Gillette By Aedan Hannon Casper Star-Tribune Via- Wyoming News Exchange CASPER — The University of Wyoming’s School of Energy Resources is taking over management of the state’s leading carbon capture test…

‘UW in Your Community’ Event June 15 in Kemmerer

Members of the public will find out more about the University of Wyoming’s presence in Lincoln County, and UW alumni will connect with their alma mater during a “UW in Your Community” gathering Thursday, June 15, in Kemmerer. The public…