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Wyoming Game and Fish Department

Teton areas eyed as off-limits to help bighorn sheep population

By Mike Koshmrl Jackson Hole News&Guide Via- Wyoming News Exchange JACKSON —An interagency collective of biologists is recommending that 21,233 acres of high-quality winter habitat in the Teton Range be made off limits to humans to help an imperiled, declining…

Raymond Mountain Public Access Area Project near Cokeville dedicated

◆ Project improves public access to BLM and state land. Provided by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Sportsmen and women and other outdoor recreationists now have access to more than 32,900 acres of previously difficult to reach public land in…

Teton commissioners soften stance on elk feeding

By Mike Koshmrl Jackson Hole Daily Via- Wyoming News Exchange JACKSON — Teton County elected officials are backpedaling on urging wildlife managers to start weaning elk off of artificial feeding, a step one county commissioner said was prudent to avert…

Star Valley News Briefs: December 16, 2020

◆ Wildlife, snow removal and winter recreation in the news this week. • Winter Wildlife SV RANCH – The Town of Star Valley Ranch is issuing a reminder to area residents to be wildlife aware. “We live in an area…

Game and Fish plans for deadly disease at elk feedgrounds

By Angus M. Thuermer Jr., Fearful that Chronic Wasting Disease will ravage some 20,000 elk on 23 winter feedgrounds, Wyoming Game and Fish Department launched a statewide initiative Tuesday aimed at untangling a knotted management question: How to avoid…

WGFD Seeks Information on Moose and Elk Poachings

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is seeking any information regarding two separate poaching incidents. The first was a cow moose that was illegally shot and left to waste along the Union Pass Road at the north end of Buffalo…

Game and Fish conducts Grizzly Bear collaring effort near Moran

◆ Information from collared grizzly bears provides increased understanding. By Mark Gocke, G&F Public Information Specialist As part of ongoing efforts to monitor the population of grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Large Carnivore Biologists with the Wyoming Game…

(Video) – Grizzly relocation less common, still important management tool

By Mark Davis Powell Tribune Via- Wyoming News Exchange POWELL — As a grizzly bear chased a wounded elk into the river in the Hayden Valley in Yellowstone National Park, a Cody wildlife photographer trained her video camera on the…

Teton County forms animal attack response team

———————- By Emily Mieure Jackson Hole News&Guide Via- Wyoming News Exchange JACKSON — First responders have been running up the Snow King boot pack as their first round of qualifications to be part of a new animal attack response team….

Cooperative moose research project underway

◆ Study seeks to provide greater understanding. Provided by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department Last month, 16 moose were captured and radio collared south of Meeteetse as part of a cooperative research effort between the Wyoming Game and Fish…