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tips to improve air quality for a healthier home
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Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality for a Healthier Home

Today, most people spend the majority of their time indoors. As such, it is important to ensure that the air in your home is healthy and free of pollutants. Common sources of indoor air pollutants include cleaning products, furnishings, dust, pollen, carbon monoxide, and mold which become even more harmful in small, enclosed spaces. A buildup of these pollutants can potentially lead to health issues such as respiratory diseases or even cancer. Fortunately, you can reduce these health risks by following these tips to improve indoor air quality.


Homes that have a humidity level of over 50 percent are more likely to have higher quantities of dust mites and mold. Common ways to decrease the humidity in your home include using a dehumidifier or air conditioning system.

Tidy up

Regularly cleaning your home will help eliminate dust, pollen, and pet dander that accumulates on your floors and countertops. This home cleaning should include frequent and thorough mopping, vacuuming, and dusting.

Crack a window

One of the best ways to improve ventilation and refresh the stagnant air in your home is by opening a window or door. Even if it is cold out, it is important to open a window for at least a few minutes each day to let fresh air filter in.

Obtain a purifying house plant

A NASA study in 1989 popularized the usage of houseplants to improve air quality. Today, many people grow indoor plants to reduce the number of air pollutants such as benzene and formaldehyde in their homes. Popular plants that are known for their air-purifying qualities include English ivy, Boston fern, Aloe Vera, rubber plant, and peace lily.

Clean your air filters

Most air conditioners and heating systems contain a filter that helps remove pollutants from the air. However, if you don’t clean these filters, the impure air will continue to circulate throughout your house. As such, it is important to regularly clean or change the filters in your home.

By following these tips to improve indoor air quality, you can reduce the number of pollutants in your home and decrees your risk of developing dangerous health conditions.

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