Dr. Jenning Voss, owner of Voss Vision, held an open house for his new Alpine clinic on Oct 20. Voss, who has operated Voss Vision in Afton since 2015, has decided with the help of Dr. Brittany Luksich to expand the days and hours of his services in Alpine.
Voss explained, “We’ve been in Alpine in the community. The reception has been great. We’ve been growing a bit, so we just got to the point where we needed more space. So when the pharmacy left and went to the new Alpine Broulim’s grocery store, the building came open and we jumped on it. We’re going to expand our hours and expand how many days we’re there.”
The Voss Vision clinic has been operating one day a week previously, but now will be open Tuesdays through Fridays, seeing patients Wednesday through Friday 8:00-5:30. Voss hopes to see continued growth as the clinic serves the Alpine and Lower Valley area.

With the new expansion, Voss engaged the services of Dr. Brittany Luksich, a Jackson native and current resident of Star Valley. Luksich graduated from optometry school last spring and was looking to move back to the area. Voss said, “We felt like Dr. Luksich was going to be going to be a good fit, so just as I was thinking of expanding Alpine, she wanted to come––it was a perfect match. She’s awesome with patients. She really knows her stuff. We’re just lucky to have her and it’s been a great great thing for us to have her with us.”
Luksich graduated from Jackson Hole High School and knew from an early age she wanted to be an optometrist. She commented: “I had always needed glasses from a young age and I started wearing contacts really young as well. I was always asking the questions to the optometrist. ‘What are you doing? Why are you doing that?’ It just really stuck with me and I really loved it. So even in middle school in high school, I knew that was kind of where my path was going.”
Dr. Luksich worked in an eye care clinic in high school and then throughout her undergraduate work at University of Wyoming. After graduation from UW, she finished her degree in optometry at Pennsylvania College of Optometry in Philadelphia with the knowledge that she wanted to come back to the valley.
Luksich said, “I loved it so much, growing up in this area in Western Wyoming. I knew I didn’t have to be in Jackson, just as long as I was in Wyoming, really, I’d be happy. But Western Wyoming always just had my heart, so I was excited I could find an opportunity where I would be back here.”
At Voss Vision, both Dr. Voss and Dr. Luksich offer a wide range of eye services from comprehensive eye care for children to adults, as well as medical eye care for conditions such as glaucoma, diabetes, high blood pressure in all different kinds of conditions that can affect the eye. Both Voss and Luksich work really closely with all of the surgeons around the valley. If clients need specialty care, Voss Vision can definitely help with that. Or if patients just need to get some glasses, Voss Vision can do that as well.

Dr. Voss explained the rationale for his optometry business. “Well hopefully it’s just the the service that we can provide people. We want to do the best job we can. We want people to feel like they’re taken care of. And the reason we’re expanding is that we don’t want people necessarily to have to go out of the valley. We travel enough to do other things and if we can get our eyes checked and get things taken care of that way in the valley, we want to do the best we can for you.”