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When to Stop for School Busses

Yes, still stop on a five-lane road says Sheriff’s Office.

The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office is reminding drivers to be aware of school buses during the new school year, stating that you do need to stop for buses at all locations in Star Valley.

“It seems like every year we have a lot of red light violations, especially now that we have the five-lane between Etna and Alpine now,” said Captain Brian Andrews during an interview on SVI Radio. “Even though there is a turn lane you still have to stop. You can’t pass a bus even though you think there is enough room for you to pass. That’s not the case. You need to stop when the red lights come on.”

Andrews clarified that even if you are driving the opposite direction of the school bus, drivers are still required to stop, even on the larger five-lane highways. “Everybody needs to stop. There’s no barriers out there, so everybody needs to stop. Even if there’s a turn lane in place.”

The only place in the valley where there is a barrier is downtown Afton under the arch. However, buses do not stop in that block of Highway 89. Every other place both directions of traffic are required to stop for buses with flashing red lights regardless of the number of lanes on the road.

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