CHEYENNE (WNE) — Bids for the acquisition of 15 animals from the state bison herd are invited at the Hot Springs State Park office in Thermopolis until 4 p.m. Dec. 17.
The available bison include five 2024 heifer calves, nine 2024 bull calves and one 2023 yearling bull.
All the animals have received proper vaccinations. The minimum bids are $900 for 2024 heifer calves, $1,050 for 2024 bull calves and $1,250 for the yearling bull. Bidders can submit offers for any or all of these bison. The highest bidder for each animal meeting the specified minimum bid will be the successful buyer, according to the state’s provided sales list.
Buyers are eligible to collect their purchased animals starting Dec. 18, and it’s the buyer’s responsibility to arrange for transportation, as the seller does not provide delivery services.
For bison-related inquiries, contact Jody Lange at 307-921-2610 or Christopher Delay at 307331-3094. The Hot Springs State Park headquarters can be reached at 307-864-2176.
Settlements must be made with the superintendent of Hot Springs State Park within seven days of receiving a successful bid notification.