◆ Arena events promise fun and excitement.

Lincoln County Fair Officials have lined up a blockbuster series of grandstand evening events for the 2020 fair happening the first week of August 2020.
“We’ve got a great lineup of events planned this year,” said Del Cunningham, LCF Board Member over Entertainment. “We try to offer a mix of events that the whole family can enjoy – a little something for everyone in addition to the traditional events people have come to expect every year, like the PRCA Rodeo, the Horse Pulls and the Freestyle Reining. We like to provide events that the public can participate in, such as the Endurocross and The Vocalist USA. People love to support local [participants].”
Annual budget constraints present a challenge for the board to find new and fresh offerings at each fair. Fortunately, private and business sponsors make it possible for the LCF to consistently offer a great entertainment lineup. Sponsor contributions help provide some of the more expensive events like concerts and Monster Truck shows.
This year, LCF Grandstand Events kick off Saturday, August 1 with the EnduroCross Event. “Justin Visser and Raw Power Motorsports have done a great job organizing and executing this event,” said Cunningham.
“It is a tremendous undertaking to construct the track, run the event, and then tear down the track in a very limited amount of time. If you’ve seen the event in the past, you know that they build a challenging track at all levels and it provides for an awesome show.”
Monday, August 3, fans will gather on the grounds and online to view and vote on the increasingly popular Vocalist USA competition. Under the direction and technical flag of Duke Dance and Swift 98, talented singers from all over the inter-mountain west will gather to compete for a $10,000 prize. Alex Boye’ will return this year as a celebrity judge and the entire show promises suspense and excellent vocals to viewers from anywhere in the world.
“It has been fun to watch this event evolve from its humble beginnings on a flatbed trailer stage to a main event and feature a regional draw of participants and judges,” said Cunningham. “Alex Boye’ was at last year’s show and performed a couple of numbers which was a bonus for the crowd. His presence along with the other judges and past winners makes a fun and entertaining show. I can’t wait. Perhaps we’ll witness the next national singing sensation get their start right here in Lincoln County!”
Horse Pulls, which are an LCF tradition, are scheduled for Tuesday, August 4. This event has traditionally been on Wednesday night, so mark your calendar for the Tuesday night show. Teams are broken into weight classes – Lightweight, Middleweight and Heavyweight – and compete by pulling a weighted sled a measured distance. The team which pulls the heaviest sled the farthest distance emerges as winner.
“One of the things I most enjoy about the Horse Pulls is seeing these equine athletes and their tremendous strength,” said Cunningham. “It’s not uncommon to see a team of horses pull 5,000 lbs. or more the length of the arena.”
Monster X Tour Monster Truck Show needs no introduction and will come Wednesday, August 5. These top drivers in the country tour on the national circuit. With this wildly popular event tickets will go fast.
Thursday, August 6, the traditional Freestyle Reining takes the stage. “Participants are divided into classes according to age and must complete a reining pattern comprised of certain required elements, such as lead changes, backing, slide stops, and various other maneuvers that the rider must cue the horse to execute,” explained Cunningham. “A judge evaluates every run and chooses the winner based on the horse and rider’s execution of the pattern. What makes this event fun is the riders and horses are in costume and the patterns are set to music. It is a great family event.”

Summit Rodeo Company will role into town on Friday and Saturday, August 7 and 8, to present a Lincoln County favorite – the PRCA Rodeo.
Summit presents a show with great stock and PRCA Cowboys and Cowgirls from around the country who come to compete in hopes of qualifying for the National Finals Rodeo held in Las Vegas each December.
“This year may well be one of the best professional rodeos we’ve ever had,” said Cunningham. “With the impact of COVID to the rodeo circuit, many rodeos have been cancelled, and as such, our lineup of contestants is HUGE. Each event is completely full, with a full day of slack planned for Saturday. If you want to see some of the best rodeo action in the inter-mountain region, this is the place to be.”
“We expect tickets to sell fast,” said Cunningham. “We have taken extraordinary measures in cleaning and sanitation, social distancing and spacing in order keep everyone safe. We ask for the public’s cooperation as we hold these events. It is going to be a great fair and lots of fun for everyone.”
For more information on the 2020 Lincoln County Fair, see the Inside Look Section of the July 29, 2020 edition of the Star Valley Independent.