Some different symptoms and situations could develop depending on the type of food poisoning making you sick. Staying home is the best thing you can do for various reasons; you should stay away from people and be close to a restroom.
Feeling sick is never good; it will stop you from doing your daily activities, and your body could react in different ways. You can deal with food poisoning from home with proper treatment and rest in order to recover quickly.
Drink Water Constantly
Dehydration is one of the main problems with food poisoning; your stomach will not absorb the water from digestion properly and instead expel it when you go to the bathroom. Drinking water constantly will prevent dehydration from worsening and causing more issues like dizziness and fatigue. Keep water close to you, preferably in bed, and drink around half a gallon every two hours.
Wait To Eat Until You’re Hungry
Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms that quickly surface when something is wrong in your gut. Letting your body rest and recover is a process that takes time, and there is no way to speed up recovery, so you need to be patient. Eating when you’re hungry means waiting until your body naturally asks for nutrients, not forcing yourself to eat because you haven’t in some hours.
Find the Source
Finding the source of the bacteria making you ill is not simple, especially when they take a couple of days to incubate. Recall your meals and the possible places where you might have picked up the infection; if it was at home, find where the food came from and the expiration date. If you got sick from food at a restaurant, you need to know when to file a claim after contracting food poisoning.
Call-In Sick
Resting and taking naps will help your body focus on fighting the infection. Calling in sick to work is recommended because you won’t be able to perform at the same level, and staying home will prevent others from getting sick. You can only do so much when your body is dealing with an infection, so accept that fact and rest as much as possible for at least two days.
Take Medication
Depending on how you feel, you might be able to bring some of the symptoms down with over-the-counter medication for infections. Common symptoms of food poisoning are diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and fever, but if any of those are intense and painful, you need to contact your doctor right away. A good way to deal with food poisoning is by taking Pepto-Bismol, Kaopectate, or Imodium.