Provided by Kimberly Winder –
PFC Hank Winder of Afton & PVT Matt Floyd of Cokeville are two of Lincoln County’s newest US soldiers. The two soldiers “turned green” signifying they’ve advanced from civilian to United States soldiers. But training doesn’t stop there, the soldiers have continued in advanced individual training to become Infantry Men.
In order to achieve the title of “Soldier” the young men had to complete the Forge. This is the big event they prepare for during Basic Training to earn the title of United States Army Soldier.
We feel honored to have these young men willing to give their lives to protecting our freedoms and our beloved country and state as they come home to fulfill their orders with the Wyoming National Guard.
Special thanks to our local Staff Sergeant Scherbel for helping these and many other young men and women on their military path. May God bless all of our military.