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Candidate filing period opens

• Multiple state, county and municipal offices up for election


The candidate filing period for those seeking political offices in Wyoming has opened. The filing window opened May 16 and will close on May 31 for candidates entering the 2024 Primary Election. SVI Media will publish a list of local and state candidates who filed for the election after the May 31 deadline.

In Wyoming’s Congressional Delegation, the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Sen. John Barrasso is up for election this fall. The seat is a 6-year term. The state’s lone U.S. House of Representative position, currently held by Rep. Harriet Hageman, is also up for election as a 2-year term.

In the State Legislature, the 4-year term for Senate District 16 in Star Valley and southern Teton County will be on the ballot. The seat is currently held by Senator Dan Dockstader (R-Afton), who has previously announced his intent to seek another term. Senate District 14 in Cokeville, Kemmerer and portions of southern Sublette, Unita and Sweetwater Counties is also up for vote. The seat is currently held by Senator Fred Baldwin (R-Kemmerer). However Baldwin has already announced he does not intend to seek another term.

On the House side of the Wyoming State Legislature, both districts in Star Valley are up for election. House District 22 covers Alpine, Star Valley Ranch, the northern portion of Etna and portions of Teton County. The seat is currently held by Rep. Andrew Byron (R-Jackson). House District 21, currently held by Rep. Lane Allred (R-Afton), covers the rest of Star Valley including southern Etna, Freedom, Thayne, Bedford, Turnerville and all of the upper valley communities.  House District 18, currently held by Rep. Scott Heiner (R-Green River), will also be up for election. The seat covers Cokeville, Kemmerer, and some of Uinta and Sweetwater Counties. All State Representative seats are 2-year terms.

At the county level, one seat on the Lincoln County Commission will be up for vote this fall. The seat up for election is currently held by Commissioner Jerry Hansen of Afton and is a 4-year term.  A number of Republican and Democratic Precinct Committeeman and Committeewoman positions in the county will also be on the ballot. A full list can be found by contacting the Lincoln County Clerk’s Office.

The communities of Cokeville, Afton, Thayne, Star Valley Ranch and Alpine also have offices up for election on the Town Council. Cokeville’s Office of Mayor is also up for election this year. Municipal candidates are non-partisan, so all candidates run on the same ticket during the primaries and are nominated for the General Election.

Other offices for the General Election, including School Board Trustees and Special Districts, will file between August 7 and August 26.

This year’s Primary Election in Wyoming will take place on Tuesday, August 20. The General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 5.

For additional details on filing for office and this year’s election dates, visit the Wyoming Secretary of State’s website at or the Lincoln County Clerk at

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