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Afton Town Council signs proclamation supporting art and funding of the arts

Local circus artist, Jennifer Wilkins, reads the new proclamation in the Afton Town Council meeting on October 10.

• Proclamation stands behind the history of art in the valley and supports art access for generations to come.

In the October meeting of the Afton Town Council On Tuesday, October 10, Mayor Jeff Jensen and council members signed a Proclamation “emphasizing the importance of continued arts funding in Star Valley.”

As a representative of the local art community, circus artist Jennifer Wilkins read the proclamation in the meeting, sharing her insight of the Star Valley arts community and its value, with the council and public in attendance.

“I am thrilled with the support received from the Town of Afton,” shared Wilkins in an interview with SVI Media later that evening.  “I believe continued funding for the arts will improve community connection, enhance economic growth, and improve the quality of life for all of Star Valleys residents.”

The proclamation focuses on the assertion that the arts have historically shaped the identity of Star Valley’s community, and that they will continue to be pivotal in fostering humanity and character in the generations to come.

Star Valley Arts Council Executive Director, Lxi Weber, attended the meeting and was pleased with the support that the Town Council demonstrated with the proclamation.  “We are so appreciative to the Town of Afton for recognizing the importance of the arts.  It means a lot to us as an arts community, and we’re excited to continue to work together to bring more art opportunities to the valley.”

Afton Mayor, Jeff Jensen, is the first to sign the new proclamation supporting arts and art funding in Star Valley.

Doug Monson, owner and artist with Western Skies Fine Art Gallery, and board member with the SV Arts Council, joined Weber and Wilkins in their gratitude for the gesture supporting local art and artists.  “I am so happy that the town of Afton is giving their support to the arts. I truly believe it benefits our town and valley in so many ways. As a member of the tourism board, I believe it is the best way to bring in tourism dollars, and as a member of the arts council, “I believe it benefits our Star Valley community in more ways than I can name. As a business owner, I believe it helps all of our businesses. My hat’s off to the Mayor, and Town Council for their support of the good of our town and surrounding areas.”

Afton Mayor, Jeff Jensen, and several council members expressed their genuine pleasure at being able to encourage support and funding for arts of all kinds in the Valley.

The Proclamation concludes with the following statement from the Town Council. “We encourage every Star Valley resident to actively support the arts and its sustained efforts to secure continued funding.. We encourage collaboration among local artists, community leaders, and all who appreciate the transformative power of the arts in order to ensure a thriving and resilient creative ecosystem.  With unwavering determination, let us stand united in recognition and celebration of the arts; for enriching our valley’s cultural fabric and for securing an enduring legacy for generations to come.”

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