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Annexation on the Alpine agenda for 2025


• New P&Z board member welcomed

The Alpine Town Council moved an annexation project forward and welcomed a new member to the community’s planning and zoning board at  the Jan. 21 meeting.

Rachael Stewart was given the oath of office by Mayor Eric Green for her new position on the Alpine Planning and Zoning Board.

Resolution 2025-004, the  Snake River Junction Annexation Petition Certification, was approved by the council and moved forward in the town’s process.

The Junction’s petition for annexation was reviewed by Alpine Planning and Zoning Board and a hearing on the annexation is scheduled for Mar. 18.

The project will include a new lodge and 27 homes. Lodge construction is planned for April.

The Alpine Lakes Annexation, Ordinance 2024-008, was scheduled for third reading, but was taken off the table for any further consideration. Council questions centered around a credit system offered for water and sewer services with the council noting ambiguity with an earlier agreement.

The Alpine Airpark Community Fund will no longer be administered by the town and the remaining funds in the account were distributed as follows, $30,000 to Alpine Fire and EMS services, $10,000 to the SV Alpine Health Clinic and $4,865 to the Alpine library.

The funds were directed to the foundations of each organization through a council motion. Council member Larsen abstained from the motion due to his service on the hospital board foundation.


In other news related to the Alpine Council:

• The Alpine Land Use Development Code will be reviewed at a Feb. 4 Planing and Zoning work session.

• Palisades Investments Annexation was indefinitely tabled.

•  Plans are underway for the Alpine Winter Jubilee, Jan. 31 and Feb. 1. Council member Andrea Burchard noted the youth snocross event will not be held because of problems with track construction. The snocross will be held in Cora this year.

A cross country ski trail will be included with activities at the Jubilee along with Casino night at Melvins. Raffle prizes will be included.

• Economic Development for Alpine will include construction of new walking and bike trails in Alpine, in addition to the Star Valley area, according to a report provided by  Lincoln County Economic Development Director Bob King. That report was coordinated through Council member Jeremy Larson. Long term plans include a valley-wide trail network.

The trail system is part of a Lincoln County Master Plan for Transportation. Mayor Green is a member of the transportation plan committee.

• Alpine Travel and Tourism Board will meet Mar. 15. As part of the travel and tourism planning,  council member Shay Scaffide reported the music in the park programs will be held for six weeks this summer.

• A noise ordinance for the community remains tabled.

• Fiber installation continues through the winter months with Silverstar Communications coordinating the work.

• A skid steer will be leased temporarily for snow removal from driveway/town road connections. Discussion on a purchase to replace damaged equipment will continue in February.

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