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Star Valley girls win at Little Miss Wyoming pageant

Provided by Mindi Roberts-De Niz

Pictured from left to right of the overall winners is the 2023-2024 State Royalty along with the competition judges namely Lexie Lifetime Queen and Junior Miss Wyoming, Shayla Preteen Miss Wyoming, Charli Little Miss Wyoming, Hazel Tiny Miss Wyoming, Deanna Teen Miss Wyoming, Everly Petite Miss Wyoming, Helen Tot Miss Wyoming, and judges Chandler Jones, Staci Jones, and Brenda Herring.

Three Star Valley girls, HannaLee Maria De Niz, age one, Helen Hope De Niz, age four, and Shayla Jill Roberts, age ten, competed in the 18th annual Little Miss Wyoming Scholarship Pageant June 15-17 in Casper, Wyoming.

Twenty-Three girls from all over Wyoming came together to compete in six age divisions; Tiny (age zero to two), Tot (age three to four), Petite (age five to six), Little (age seven to nine), Preteen (age ten to twelve) and Teen (age thirteen to sixteen).

Pictured from left to right of the three Star Valley girls is Shayla Preteen Miss Wyoming, HannaLee Tiny Miss Personality, and Helen Tot Miss Wyoming.

The competition started off Thursday with an optional Wyoming’s State Princess Pageant.  On Friday, the girl’s competed in mandatory categories of Talent, Personality, Casualwear, and Party Dress.  That night at a Wham! Bam! Jam! Pajama Party the Thursday optional awards were given out and all three girls won the State Princess title for their respective age groups.  Saturday morning started with the final mandatory competition category of Interview.

During the Grand Finals on Saturday afternoon, the girls were named in the top three finalists for their age divisions.  The top three finalists in each age division then competed again in both the Talent and Party Dress competitions.

At the conclusion of the Grand Finals, HannaLee was named Tiny Miss Personality, Helen was named Tot Miss Wyoming, and Shayla was named Preteen Miss Wyoming.  Helen and Shayla are excited to reign for the next year as State Royalty along with their pageant sisters!

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