◆ The mission and team will remain the same.
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Dear Gifts of Grace donors, partners, and supporters,
What a year this has been! We are so thankful for all your support. It is not lost on us that this year has been difficult for so many. But despite the hardships, you came through for the survivors. Trauma and exploitation doesn’t just go away, and through your support we have been able to help more survivors this year than in any other year before and we and they are so grateful!
In that spirit, we have an important announcement to make. As of December 2020, we are retiring the name of Gifts of Grace. Gifts of Grace began as an organization where small acts of service were provided and has since grown into our current mission today. The name does not accurately describe what our mission does. Also, the name Gifts of Grace can be very difficult for our partners to say in Latin America.
The organization has officially been renamed “Libertas International.”
“‘Libertas’ is a Latin name, meaning ‘freedom,’” said Tyler Schwab, Founder. “In Rome, Libertas was the personification of Freedom, and a Libertas wreath was given to freed slaves, hence symbolizing freedom. The Statue of Liberty was crafted after the image of ‘Libertas.’”
Our mission is the prevention, liberation, and restoration of survivors of exploitation in Latin America. Thus, we felt the name change was needed to further cement our mission. We will keep our logo, the Double G, as a nod to our past, but will be using the name Libertas International below the logo.
Our mission remains the same, our team remains the same, and the survivors we work with remain the same. The only change to the organization is the name.
Next month, our new website will be libertasfreedom.org or libertasinternational.org. We will also keep the domain giftsofgracewy.org as well.
Our amazon Smile will remain Gifts of Grace until March.
If sending checks, you can write them out to “Gifts of Grace” or “Libertas International.” Our bank accepts both and we want to keep the transition as easy as possible for our donors. Our tax ID number also remains the same.
Our survivors still need you! We still need you! 2020 was our best year yet and we want to keep the momentum going into 2021!
For any end of year donations, please visit giftsofgracewy.org.