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Important Tips for First-Time Hunters
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Important Tips for First-Time Hunters

New to the hunting world? Get ready for some wild times and memories that last forever. But to ensure they’re great memories and not wicked ones, we’ve laid out some important tips for first-time hunters. From knowing what to do if you get injured to actually understanding the terminology, we’ve laid out basic information you don’t want to miss.

Know Your Why

Knowing why you choose to do something or spend your time a certain way is an important aspect of any hobby. If you just want to hunt so that you can shoot things, this might not be the direction to go, as it requires a lot of patience.

But if you’re hunting because you want to do your part to help with the conservation of our land and wildlife, that’s great! Here’s the truth—if you know your why, the experience will be even more worthwhile in the long run.

Learn Key Terminology

Hunting isn’t as simple as going out and shooting an animal down. In fact, there’s tons of essential information out there that a new hunter should read immediately. Here are a few elements (and there are tons more!):

  • Glassing: Searching terrain for game by looking through binoculars or some other magnifier
  • Recurve bow: A bow designed so that when strung, the bow curves back against its natural bend.
  • Ground scent: The scent left by a bird’s tracks through the cover
  • Gutshot: When a game animal has been shot in the paunch or intestines

Understand Injury Best Practices

In addition to understanding important terms, you also need to be aware of what to do in case of injury. Whether it’s as minor as a sprained ankle or something as catastrophic as a stray bullet or arrow in your body, you need to know what to do.

If you’re wondering who’s responsible if you’re injured while hunting, the most obvious answer is you. It seems blunt, but if the harm came from something you did (or didn’t do), the responsibility falls on you. However, there are instances when blame could fall on another hunter, the property owner, or even the weapons manufacturer. If you’re harmed, seek medical attention, then speak to a lawyer.

Find a Mentor

Don’t underestimate the power of support. Hunting isn’t really a thing you should go at alone, even though it can seem like quite the solitary pastime. A good mentor will help you refine your hobby. The best way to become a better hunter is to learn the skills and methods from a mentor you admire.

If there are no hunters in your family, reach out to local fish and game organizations in your area!

Harvests Don’t Equal Success

Our last tip for first-time hunters is about recognizing what success means for you. At first, you may think that a successful hunting trip means harvesting an animal or two. But that’s not the case—it’s about spending time outdoors and being closer to nature. Enjoy the whole experience, not just the end result!

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