• Each school is hosting their own unique Veteran’s Day event.
Individuals who are current or retired military service members are invited to attend the Veteran’s Day assemblies taking place on November 11 in buildings throughout Lincoln County School District No. 2. Local veteran organizations have been invited to share plans for the day with all their members.
Each building has created a unique presentation in special honor of those who have served our country in a military capacity, and those who have given their lives for our freedoms. The programs are designed to educate students and celebrate the work of our military personnel.
Nathan Wescott, who serves as Director of Special Services with LCSD No. 2 shared the Veteran’s Day schedule and some other details on the SVI Radio Network this week, indicating that the assemblies will feature “stories” about our veterans and “musical numbers” dedicated to the selfless work of our servicemen and women.
“One of the responsibilities of the school district is to remember who we are as a country,” Wescott said. “We want to make sure we pause and appreciate all those who are currently serving or have served in the past in our community. We have grandparents and cousins and uncles and moms and dads coming. It’s just a way to honor how they’ve served our country.”
Veterans and family members are welcome to attend any or all of the programs, which will be spread through the day, starting at different times in different buildings.
“Each school is different,” said Wescott. “They each have their own theme, which is great! I love this district, because each building has their own characteristics and style, so they give their own little flavor to this, but still come together for the bigger picture to thank our veterans.”
The day will begin at 8:10 at the Star Valley High School auditorium with a presentation by Heather Matson and Josh Frazier who will pay tribute to their grandparents who served in the military.
Cal Nield will speak at Thayne Elementary School beginning at 9 a.m. David Saltzman, who served in the Air Force, will speak at Afton Elementary School at 9:30. Cokeville Schools will welcome Mark Vierig, who served in the Marine Corps, at 10.
Star Valley Middle School will also feature David Salzman at 10:30. Steven Tree, who served in the Air Force, will share his thoughts at Swift Creek High School at 12:30.
Army veteran, Dan Forsythe, will share with the students at Etna Elementary School at 12:45. Programs for the day will conclude at Osmond Elementary School with a presentation by Wescott, who served in the Army straight out of high school, and was stationed as a sentinel at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
This is a meaningful opportunity for students and community members pay tribute to individuals who have served this country. “It’s an opportunity for the students to recognize why [their service] is important.”
“If you see someone wearing a hat that says they served, just go up and thank them,” said Wescott. “Some veterans may want to share their story or some won’t, but they appreciate it.”
Though LCSD No. 2 makes every effort to extend invitations to all local veterans for the day’s festivities, it is a challenge to ensure that all veterans receive the information. Please contact Wescott at the district office by calling 307-885-3811 if you have questions or need help notifying veterans about the schedule. “We definitely don’t want to miss anybody. Please come out. We want to celebrate you.”