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LCSD2 moving forward with plans to head back to school

◆ School district outlines Smart Start plan.

Lincoln County School District 2 is making plans to head back to school this month. The planned start date for Cokeville schools is Monday, August 24. The planned start date for Star Valley schools is Tuesday, August 25.

The school board and administrative team released the following information for school staff, parents and students.

School Re-Opening Summary

• Students, teachers and school staff shall wear face coverings both indoors and outdoors where 6 feet of separation cannot be maintained. (Statewide Order effective August 1)
• Some exemptions are allowed- medical condition, mental health condition or disability that prevents wearing a face covering. Documentation will be required.
• Alternate face coverings may be considered during the school day for instructional purposes.

• Six foot spacing of students during transportation to and from the facility shall be maintained as much as practicable; face coverings shall be worn during transportation when six feet of separation cannot be maintained. (Statewide Order effective August 1)
• Buses will be sanitized before each run.

• Students will be allowed to be outdoors for recess. Extra sanitization precautions of play equipment will be taken. Students, teachers and school staff shall wear face coverings both indoors and outdoors where 6 feet of separation cannot be maintained. (Statewide Order effective August 1)
Positive test in classroom (student or staff)
• LCSD2 will work in collaboration with the Lincoln County Public Health Office.
• Considerations, on a case-by-case basis, will be made for the following: communication, sanitization, temporary re-location of classroom and targeted closing based on public health orders.


• Refer to your specific school plan. Some schools will eat in cafeterias, others will eat in classrooms. Meals will be pre-packaged. Staff will deliver the meals.
• Additional measures for cleaning and sanitization will be taken, ie: additional custodial staff hired and disinfection of surfaces throughout the day. All cleaning products meet the requirements of the CDC and OSHA.

Remote Learning vs. Virtual Learning
• Remote- Classes delivered by a teacher located in a physical classroom with students present while also providing simultaneous remote instruction.
• Remote education instruction is delivered through interactive, synchronous technology which allows the student receiving the remote education to ask questions, make comments, and interact in real-time with the teacher, classroom students, and other remote students. Students must be enrolled in LCSD2. Attendance will be taken morning and afternoon. Can only be used on a temporary basis.
• Virtual- Virtual education instruction is primarily delivered through technology and can be asynchronous or synchronous. This service is not available at this time for students in grades K-6.
We are working on getting approval to offer this for students in grades 7-8.
Students in grades 9-12 have this option available. Students must be enrolled in LCSD2.
Students on an IEP
• Considerations by the IEP Team (including the parent) for students with IEP’s that have communication needs, medical needs, and other at-risk factors to access the general curriculum in Tier 1.
• Options for remote IEP meetings will still be available and encouraged.
Parent Responsibilities
• Home Screening
Please screen your child daily for symptoms of COVID-19 before sending them to school.

Screening Criteria:
• Temperature: If 100.4 or higher not permitted to be present at facility (stay home)
• Temperature plus Symptoms: If temperature is 99 to 100.4 plus additional symptom not permitted in facility (stay home)
Symptom Questions
1. Any shortness of breath?
2. Any cough?
3. Any lack of smell/taste?
4. Any unusual tiredness?
5. Known exposure?
• If showing symptoms: If symptoms are known, stay home”
• Send your child to school with a clean mask every day.
• Send your child with a water bottle. Drinking fountains will be shut off but filling stations will be available.
• Do not send/bring classroom treats.
For future updates check the school district website at:

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