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Sheriff Shane Johnson

Etna shooting investigation continues

◆ Charges not yet filed in “complicated case” The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office has concluded their investigation of a shooting that took place in Etna on April 14. The investigation is now in the hands of the Lincoln County Attorney’s…

Sheriff Johnson explains jail expansion

Lincoln County Sheriff Shane Johnson explained some upgrades and construction completed at the Lincoln County Jail in Kemmerer this week in an interview with SVI Media.  Johnson commented, “It was a big project. When that building was actually built, there…

Four-Legged Friend to All: The Dog of the Lincoln County Jail

◆ Noel was adopted from Lucky’s Place and brings smiles to faces everyday. Noel starts the workday every morning inside the control tower in the Lincoln County jail. Two things set her apart from the other employees. First, she is…

Investigation into murder/suicide continues in Star Valley Ranch

The investigation into an apparent murder/suicide in the Town of Star Valley Ranch continues this week. According to information provided by the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office, Monday, November 4 a request for a welfare check came in to the dispatch…