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Health & Beauty Fair takes place May 18


• Booth and table space still available for those interested. May 18 event will also help raise funds for SV fire stations.

This year’s Health and Beauty Fair will not just bring together professionals of several specialties together to network, but also raise funds for the volunteer firefighters throughout Star Valley.

Cass Martin has an already impressive group of health and beauty professionals lined up to show locals of the services that these small business owners and certified professionals have to offer to better client’s lives, from the inside-out.

Martin hopes to help both the businesses and the locals in creating a network of knowledge about what services can be available outside of their regular doctors visits. Martin shared the need for events like this for those who may not have a strong online presence or for those who don’t go online to find services.

Martin is excited by the variety of services in the area. The massage therapist and personal trainer also expressed the importance for these small businesses to continue to support one another. Excited by the diverse array of services available in the area, Martin emphasizes the mutual support small businesses can provide each other. She highlights the significance of referrals among professionals to ensure clients receive specialized care even if it’s outside their primary practitioner’s expertise.

The Health and Beauty Fair also provides opportunity for those who are recently certified and starting out. It will give them opportunities to network with not only potential clients, but also others who share the same passions.

“There’s so many other people who are in that field that you don’t know, but they all have their own techniques. We’re not competition.”

Massage therapists, estheticians, nail technicians, hair and makeup artists, personal trainers, nutritionists, and other health and beauty professionals are encouraged to contact Cass Martin to participate in this year’s event. Those interested can reach her via phone at 307-713-0084 or through Facebook.

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